Member Bios
Please visit here to read and get to know a bit more about our MHC Board.
ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATIONbylawsTo view the Mansion House Club's ByLaws, you must be a MHC member. If you are, please be sure you are logged in with your member login and password and visit the Members Only area to view. | RULES & REGULATIONSMansion House Club Current Rules and Regulations To see Mansion House Club's rules and regulations, please click HERE. |
Mansion House Club Privacy Statement - Mansion House Club ("MHC") collects certain information from each member and prospective members ("you ") to facilitate payment. MHC does not use this information for any other purpose. MHC also collects certain information from you in its standard membership form. This information is used to create an MHC membership directory, to facilitate communication with you about MHC events and matters of interest to MH members, and to conduct MHC-related business. MHC does not share or sell this information to any other party, nor will it use it for any purpose other than MH-related business.
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