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Meet our new Dive Rep: Sharon Moss. You can contact her for any questions you might have at DIVEREP@MANSIONHOUSECLUB.COM
Our new coach this year is David Askin, if you would like to contact him you may do so via the Dive Rep. 


2025 Dive Season Registration IS NOT OPEN YET

 The MHC Dive Team is looking forward to another great season of diving, competing in NVSL Dive Division 6.  

Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped make our 2024 dive season a success by setting up for our home meets, working the table, judging, announcing, working concessions, taking pictures and helping clean up at the end of home meets. We can’t do it without you!

 - Registration is open! MHC prefers all payments to be made online when you register, in-person payment can be made the first week of dive practices if needed. All divers must be electronically registered via our online registration system.  Price for 2024 is as follows: One diver = $275, each additional diver added is $225ea. Prices for 2025 coming soon.

TRY IT OUT FOR A WEEK - Once a safety waiver has been signed, your diver can ‘try-out’ the dive team for one week before registration is required.  The Piranhas Dive Team welcomes new members, so please come on out!  We’ve had children as young as four on the team, so don’t let age be an issue - the younger they start, the better! Our dive team philosophy is to become the best divers we can, to demonstrate good sportsmanship & team spirit, and to have a fun & safe summer. Safety waivers are available here, and paper copies will be at practices.

2024 Practice Schedule:
May 28 – July 16/ M-F (5-7 pm) - First day starts Tuesday, May 28th
July 17-19, 5-7 pm Divisional Divers only
July 22-26 All Star Divers only TBD

Two (2) groups, 1 hour each, early timeslot ages 5-12, and the later timeslot ages 13-18 remaining flexible if one group is too large. Divers can come in either timeslot, or stay for both timeslots.

*End of the season Dive Banquet will be on July 19 at 6pm*

Meet Schedule:
Our Dive Team calendar is posted on the pool bulletin board and is also online.

VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS -  We need volunteers to run a Dive Meet! MHC provides 2-3 Judges to rate each dive on a scale of one to ten, and 2-3 Table Workers to record scores after each dive and then add up the diver’s score, and an announcer. Finally, we need 2 concessions workers feed our hungry divers and help raise funds to subsidize our team. There are NVSL clinics scheduled to teach you everything you need to know about judging or working the tables. We cannot participate in a dive meet without volunteers. 
The current years NVSL clinic dates are posted online and on the bulletin board.  
Training is free and no pre-registration is necessary. Even if you aren’t ready to judge, the judges clinic is really informative if you want to understand the sport of diving more.

Please contact the MHC Dive Team Rep,
Sharon Moss,

Important Information:
*Quiet Swim during dive meets: The pool will be open for lap swimming only. The baby pool will be closed. The diving well and the grounds on either side of the diving well will also be closed for spectators. The divers need quiet in order to focus on their dives. We ask that adults stay with their children during this time to assist them in keeping their voices down. Please be respectful of the divers. Thank you.

Dive Team Contacts & Important Links

Dive Team Contact(s):

MHC Dive Rep:

Important Links:

Alexandria Dive Club 

Year Round Diving 

Where may my diver continue once the summer dive season ends?

Check out Tim Fisher’s Alexandria Dive Club.

Alexandria Dive Club is a year round competitive program that offers novice through Masters classes in a safe and energetic learning environment with lots of fun for every skill level.

With over 20 years of diving and coaching experience including AAU, US diving, High School and NVSL, ADC is big enough to compete on a National level but small enough to know each and every diver enrolled. The coaching staff is truly passionate about the sport of diving.

ADC focuses on solid fundamentals and proper execution of skill progressions. They also teach: Sportsmanship, Winning Attitude, Goal Setting, and Mental Preparation. ADC uses spotting rigs over trampolines and 1 & 3 meter diving boards which is a belt system used to train more complicated dives with confidence. ADC also has an indoor and outdoor dryland facility with spotting rigs over a trampoline.

So if your diver wants to continue diving once our summer season ends, ADC has a class for you. Classes run year-round in eight-week sessions with five sessions offered from September to August. Registration is easily accessible on the ADC website.

Please contact Tim Fisher with any questions call him at 571-274-1973.


9321 Old Mount Vernon Road,
Alexandria, VA 22309

Call Us:
(703) 780-6485

MHC Billing Address:
Mansion House Club
P.O. Box 30
Mt. Vernon, VA 22121

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