2025 Summer Dive Team Fees: (includes t-shirt & team breakfast)
Single Diver: $275 each additional diver: $225
Register & Pay online
ALL Reservations to be made via our online registration system.
1. Register and pay online- Click on the registration button to Register and Pay! (this is the preferred registration method). Please remember to be logged in with your MHC email and password.
Don't want to "Dive in" just yet... try Dive for the first week, then let the Dive Rep know if you want to join. If you would like to do this, simply register online and choose 'Invoice me' upon checkout. If you decide to join the Team (which we know you will), simply log into your MHC account and pay the open invoice by RSVP cut off date above! See the entire Dive Schedule HERE.
Please click Dive Team Home Page to read about the program and find out when the first practice will be.
General Information:
All reservations are to be made online via our online registration system. This helps to make our events much easier to manage and for you the member to be kept informed of any updates/changes that may occur.
To view and read the NVSL Waiver prior to registration, the form can be here and the Photo Consent form may be found here. Both forms are available and must be signed online as part of the registration process. What if I have to cancel my reservation? IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW! 100% of your registration fee is refundable if you cancel prior to the RSVP date listed above. AFTER the RSVP date has past, money cannot be refunded. Please email the MHC WebAdmin immediately upon finding out that you have to cancel your reservation. Thank you.
MHC payment forms: Visa, MasterCards, and AMX are accepted.
Address: 9321 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309703-780-6485