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Dive Meet Volunteers

We need volunteer support to run dive meets.  Short NVSL Clinics will teach you everything you need to know to work at a dive meet to be a table worker, judge or referee.  NVSL Clinics are free & no pre-registration is necessary.  Most volunteer positions are in shifts, so that everyone can watch their children dive.  We will be using TeamSnap this year to schedule our volunteers. 

Judges:  Dive Teams provide 3 judges at away meets and 2 judges at home meets. Judges rate each dive on a scale of 1-10.  For the NVSL Judges clinics click HERE

Referee:  The home team provides a referee.  The referee oversees the entire meet and makes sure that all rules and regulations, as specified in the NVSL By-Laws, are carried out properly during the meet.  Referees need to have been a judge for at least one year. For the NVSL Referee Clinics click HERE. Referees are certified for a period of 2 years.

Table Worker:  Each team provides 2 table workers for the meet.  One table worker writes down the 5 judges scores read by the announcer, crosses off the high and low scores, and then adds the remaining 3 scores for a total score.  The second table worker uses a calculator to multiply the score by the Degree of Difficulty (DD) for that dive.  The league provides training, for those dates click HERE, but formal training is not necessary.

Announcer:  The home team provides the announcer.  The announcer gives the diver lineup for each event, announces each dive, and reads the scores.  There are guidelines but no formal training.

Dive Sheet Checker:  We need 2 volunteers to check dive sheets during warm ups.  These two checkers need to arrive at the meet by 5pm and check each diver’s sheet for accuracy (correct number of dives, correct DD, correct dive, dive description, correct placement of dive).  Formal training is not necessary for this role.

Concessions Worker:  We need a team of 2 or more adults who can help run our concession stand during our three home meets.

Photographer:  We always need great shots of the divers, parents, and officials for our end of season slide show.  Please take pictures and share!

Most volunteer positions will be in shifts , so that everyone can watch their children dive.


9321 Old Mount Vernon Road,
Alexandria, VA 22309

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