Register now for the 2015 dive season!
We will have several options for registration. You are able to register and pay online anytime. Live registrations will be held at the Mansion House clubhouse on Sunday, May 17th from 4 to 6pm and Monday, May 25 from 3 to 5pm. Dive team fees should be paid by the start of practices.
Please click
Dive Team Home Page to read about the program and visit the Dive team's page.
Please click
2015 Dive Team Registration Form to download and print a dive team registration form which is required to be submitted to our dive representative, Susan Webster. The MHC Waiver may be found
here and the Photo Consent form may be found by clicking
here. Both forms need to accompany your registration.
Questions? Contact the Mansion House Dive Rep,
Susan Webster, at or (703) 477-6391.
registering via email, email forms and waivers to
Susan Webster at and
send a check (payable to Mansion House Club) to:
Susan Webster, MHC Dive Rep
3718 Carriage House Ct
Alexandria, VA 22309
(**NOTE: registration is not complete without payment)
registering by mail, send a check (payable to Mansion House Club), registration, and waiver forms to:
Susan Webster, MHC Dive Rep
3718 Carriage House Ct
Alexandria, VA 22309
registering and paying online: Please follow the prompts attached to the register now button.
Mansion House Club now welcomes online payments in a safe and secure setting. Visa and MasterCard will be accepted.
2015 Team Fees:
One Diver: $180
Two Divers: $250
Three or more Divers: $300