1. Register and pay online anytime.
2. In-person registration will be held at the Mansion House clubhouse on Monday, May 28th (Memorial Day) from 3 to 5pm. Forms may be downloaded by clicking ADULT TENNIS REGISTRATION (1).docx Tennis fees should be paid by the start of practices.
The MVAC/MHC Waiver may be found here and the Photo Consent form may be found by clicking here. Both forms need to accompany your registration. If registering online, there are waiver boxes that need to be checked.
Mansion House Club now welcomes online payments in a safe and secure setting. Visa and MasterCard will be accepted. 2018 Tennis Fees:
New this season: Adult Tennis
Thursday Evenings: June 21, 28 and July 5, 12, 19, 26 and August 2, 9
Only $120 for 8 weeks
Stroke of the Week: 6 to 7pm
Cardio tennis: 7 to 8pm
Address: 9321 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309703-780-6485