Practice and hone a different stroke each week. All levels welcome.
Cardio Tennis: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. $75
Fun and fast paced dead and live ball drills – Designed to raise your heart rate and give you a great workout! (Will hit a minimum of 100 balls and burn 1,000 calories!) All levels welcome.
1. Register and pay online- Simply click on the registration button, Choose Member or Non-Member and Register and Pay! (this is the preferred registration method).
2. Register online and pay In-person with check at the Mansion House clubhouse Meet the Coaches on Monday, May 31st (Memorial Day) from 4 to 6pm.
When Registering Online, and paying in-person with Option #2, please bring full payment on May 31st in the form of a check payable to Mansion House Club.
The SMASH/MHC Waiver may be found here and the Photo Consent form may be found by clicking here. Both forms need to accompany your registration. When registering online, there are waiver boxes that need to be checked.
General Information:
We highly encourage all reservations to be made online via our online registration system. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. This really helps to make our events much easier to manage and for you the member to be keep informed of any updates/changes that may occur!
What if I have to cancel my reservation? IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW! 100% of your registration fee is refundable if you cancel prior to the RSVP date listed above. AFTER the RSVP date has past, money cannot be refunded. Please email the MHC WebAdmin immediately upon finding out that you have to cancel your reservation. Thank you.
Mansion House Club encourages online payments. Visa and MasterCards are accepted.
Address: 9321 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309703-780-6485